The quest for a happy ending in Brazil
Part 3. Salvador
From restful village to the core of Bahia
I left Arraial D´Ajuda with a miss in my heart and imprinted souvenirs.
Memories that would haunt me to return later (Another story).
The next stop was Bahia´s capital, Salvador, a 12-hour bus ride
further up north.
I recollect spending one week time here in the Pelourinho - historic centre neighbourhood at a hostel owned by a British guy, someone constantly aware along with his two huge bloodhounds surveilling the premises.
I passed the time indulging myself in sightseeing and some of the elementals of Bahian ways - samba filled street bars with beautiful women and finding a rhyme that made sense without sweating too much.
Very enjoyable and scary at the same time while losing that ´´Everyone looking at the stiff, non-skilled, gringo feeling``.
It is impossible to complain while surrounded by gorgeous women - free samba lessons - almost free beer, and happy positive energy :)
Salvador is the largest city in the Northeast and one of the oldest colonial cities and served as Brazil´s first capital.
It is the centre of Afro-Brazilian culture and was the major port for the slave trade - the sugarcane industry.
The state of Bahia has a lot of history and was no doubt the building block of Brazil.
The city is divided on a lower and upper level.
Faulty erosion separates them by 85 meters where an elevator
(Elevador Lacerda) connects them.
It is a unique sight walking to the end tip of Pelourinho (Cidade Alta) and seeing this long plank sticking out from the edge, giving you immediate access to the harbour and lower town (Cidade Baixa)
Elevador Lacerda from Pelourinho
Salvador meaning
On the far tip of Salvador, in the Barra neighbourhood, on the edge of Farol da Barra Beach, you will find the lighthouse pointing to the South. Beyond that, the two beaches interact and turn into Porto da Barra Beach.
These are the convenient places and for the ones living within the centre.
I spent a few days at Flamengo beach (Praia de Ipitanga é Praia do Flamengo), quite worth it and different from what you will find inside the reach of the city.
São Salvador da Bahia de Todos os Santos
(Holy Savior of the Bay of All Saints)
Salvador was a nice breather in between the small beach villages to meet other travellers and share information - hang out and get a taste from the inner of Bahian fiesta and culture.
It was time to cut away from the shoreline track and head inland to explore the more rural - untouched part of this incredible country.
Lençois, Chapada Diamantina is just 500 kilometres west from coastland Salvador and my next bearing.
→ The quest for a happy ending in Brazil → Part 4. Lençóis, Chapada Diamantina